Where Struggles End and Success Stories Begin

Edmonton Based Literacy Workshops & Coaching for readers who struggle and those who support them.

literacy support for families elementary age
young girl gets help with reading and comprehension

✓ Strengthen Skills

✓ Create Confidence

✓ Ignite Joy

mom helps boy who is frustrated by trying to read

Helping a child learn to read isn’t easy - for either of you.

Parents, caregivers, and educators often face frustration, battles, and fears when helping children with low literacy. And it’s hard to inspire a learner’s confidence when you’re feeling unsure and under-equipped yourself.

If the traditional approach isn’t working, you’re not alone. 

It’s no surprise to you that most school systems are limited in their resources to reach children with unique challenges and strengths. Our literacy support approach fills in the learning gaps with effective strategies to unlock the abilities within your child.

Capable Readers Literacy Services Coaching & Workshops

Capable Readers offers a range of programs and workshops designed to meet the unique needs of each learner. Whether it’s one-on-one coaching or group sessions, our approach ensures that every child receives the support they need to thrive.

  • Tailored learning for literacy support

    Tailored Learning

    Led by Canadian educators to meet your learner’s unique needs.

  • Evidence Based Literacy services in Edmonton

    Evidence Based

    Letting you cut through the noise and well-intended suggestions to get support that works.

  • Customized learning support for literacy and comprehensionnsion

    Learner Friendly

    Because learning is not one-size-fits-all. (And if it’s not fun, it’s not going to work.)

We’re here to meet you and your learner where you’re at.

  • We provide tailored tutoring (reading coaching) for your learner. 1-on-1 reading coaching allows your learner to have intentional literacy instruction that is customized, just for them. Sessions can be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 1 hour long.

    $70.00 per hour

  • We offer professional development and parent coaching that will support your learner in their reading journey. We equip parents and educators with great tools and strategies to help their learner reach their reading goals.

    We also offer a variety of programming that caters to literacy development for learners of all ages (newborns-adulthood). Programs that are offered, are based on interest and need within the community.

    Inquire for pricing.

  • We provide consultations for families that are interested in receiving additional guidance to support their learner’s literacy development. These families are often taking on the bulk of responsibility for teaching their learner how to read, and need a road map to get started.

    Initial consultation $80.00

    Consists of submitting a 10 minute video, a reading coach analysis, and a 30 minute consult.

    Follow-up consultation $40.00

    Consists of a 30 minute consult.

  • We provide families with an informal assessment during an initial consultation. This assessment provides a baseline for literacy intervention, and helps our reading coaches develop a customized program for your learner.

    Summaries are written for families upon request, and are used to document progress across multiple reading coaching sessions.

    Informal assessment $80.00

    Summaries $40.00

Sharla Quants, Literacy Coach Edmonton
Monica Letwiniuk, Literacy Coach Edmonton

Caregivers…we see you.

We know you’re doing your very best. Imagine where you could go with an expert in your corner.

“We understand the struggles you face as a parent or educator. That’s why we are dedicated to providing clear, practical, and effective strategies to help your learner succeed. With Capable Readers, you are never alone in this journey.”

Literacy Coaches

Serving Learners Locally in Edmonton and Virtually Everywhere

Success starts here, with the right support…

Elementary student happy and holding books

1. Choose Your Program

Not sure of the best fit? Talk to one of our literacy experts - we’re happy to advise you.

Happy father helping son learn how to read

2. Find Momentum and Mentorship

Once you activate the right resources and support, you and your learner will find yourselves moving forward confidently -  and we’re always here to help along the way.

Happy family of young girl learning to read

3. Celebrate the Growth

And watch your learner experience:

✓ New Skills

✓ Greater Confidence

✓ Endless Opportunities

✓ New Worlds of fun & enjoyment

✓ A way to connect with the people around them.

Your child deserves it and so do you.

Happy mom and daughter high-fiving, learn to read

Reading opens endless doors.

Make sure they have the keys.

Reading challenges cause significant stress for parents, caregivers, and educators, often leaving them unsure where to turn. Capable Readers supports learners and their big people with specialized coaching and workshops designed to overcome hurdles through systematic, effective, and engaging programs. 

Did we mention we take having fun seriously too?

With our expert support, your learner will gain skills, confidence and a love for reading.

Explore our programs - or ask us to help you find the right fit.

You don’t have to navigate literacy struggles alone. Leave the fights, frustrations and fears behind and join our program. Step-by-step you’ll see your learning’s world opening up to the pride and opportunities that reading brings.

Love from our Learners