You succeed when you learn to read!

It is a common fact that some learners struggle to learn how to read.

We provide literacy support that is intentional, explicit, systematic, and effective.

More than 1 million children in canada likely have below-level reading skills

In our education system, the reading curriculum is presented as a one size fits all approach. All students are taught the same deficient strategies to use in decoding and comprehension. In fact, approximately 25% of grade 3 children in Canada are not reading at grade level. Post-pandemic, this percentage is on the rise.

Over the last few years, we have come to understand that this antiquated approach is not providing our learners that have developmental disabilities and neurodiverse needs, with what they need to succeed in learning how to read.

Laying down a strong foundation for reading in the early years is pivotal for your learner to become a capable reader. However, it is also never too late to learn how to read successfully.

learning to read can be a struggle.

  • It is hard to know where to start.

    Some learners struggle to learn how to read with traditional methods. There are so many reading programs out there, that it can feel overwhelming when you don’t know which one is the best fit for your learner. We use reading programs that motivate and inspire our learners to start their reading journey.

  • It is hard to know what strategies to use.

    A simple search for reading strategies shows you hundreds of choices. Sifting through all of these strategies would take forever to trial with your learner. Thankfully, you don’t need to stress! We provide evidence-based techniques that you and your learner can use to build confidence and reading competency.

  • Not all reading programs are created equal.

    All children do not learn the same way, and all reading programs do not cater to the wide range of learning styles that exist. It can be frustrating to find a reading program that works best for your learner. We use the Science of Reading approach to teach effective strategies in a fun and meaningful way.

“What If I Wait and See…”

  • Basic Word Reading Instruction Doesn't last forever...

    After Grade 2, the focus of words containing speech sounds and the ability to manipulate them (phonological awareness) changes. The focus switches to an awareness and ability to manipulate parts of words, sentence structure and word meaning. If a learner hasn't mastered phonological awareness, they have already begun to fall behind in learning how to read.

  • Moving on, The focus of reading Shifts from learning to read...

    … to reading to learn. Past Grade 6, learning to read is no longer the focus in schools. Learning to read is presumed. Now, the focus is reading to learn. The learner is introduced to complex terminology, analyzing and inferring meaning in complex sentences, reading comprehension of large passages, and writing.

It’s never too late

to learn how to read!

it shouldn’t be hard.

Literacy is fundamental to personal well-being. No learner should be denied access to the basic right of learning how to read. Increased confidence, independence, and even a sense of joy are directly linked to good literacy skills. It is never too early or too late to learn how to read. Your learner is more than just a capable reader. They can be lifelong readers!

At Capable Readers, we equip parents and educators with great tools and strategies to help their learner reach their reading goals. As reading coaches, we provide you with the knowledge and confidence to teach your learner how to read.

We also provide tailored tutoring (reading coaching) for your learner. 1-on-1 reading coaching allows your learner to have intentional literacy instruction that is customized, just for them.

Receiving the proper knowledge and support, to help your learner read, will increase their capacity for reading success!

You can do it!


Parents & Caregivers…

Imagine that reading is no longer a struggle, but a treasured experience you get to have with your child. Imagine your child reading their favourite book to grandpa with confidence. The struggles you experienced in helping your child read, fade into the background, as you realize they are now a successful reader.



Imagine that your learner reads with confidence. They can decode what they’re reading, and their comprehension skills match their decoding skills. As a capable educator, you now have multiple tools and strategies in your tool belt to increase your learner’s reading capacity. They have learned how to read for meaning, so they will read for life!

  • "48% of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level, which negatively affects their ability to function at work and in their personal lives."

    Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

  • "Children in low socioeconomic communities are almost 2× as likely to be behind in early development skills as high-socioeconomic status peers"

    Pan-Canadian Public Health Network

  • "Investing in pre-school education has a much higher rate of return than investments made in later years of a child’s education, or in adulthood."

    Deloitte LLP. An Economic Overview of Children's Literacy in Canada

  • "Pandemic disruptions in children’s learning are forecast to cause a 30% increase in socioeconomic skills gaps"

    Research Group on Human Capital and Department of Economics, School of Management, Université du Québec à Montréal

  • "13.8% of Canadian Grade 10 students do not have the baseline level of reading skills needed to navigate in our society."

    Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

  • "It’s predicted that children who are read to at least once a day will hear 290,000 more words by age 5 than those who aren’t read to by a parent or caregiver."

    Ohio State University, “When Children Are Not Read to At Home: Million Word Gap”

  • "Regular reading with children increases children’s enjoyment of sharing books and joining in songs and rhymes."

    University of Alberta: “Handbook of Language and Literacy Development: A Roadmap from 0 to 60 Months”